Goctors: Nurturing LATAM's future health tech brand

The Challenge
In a world of emerging new technologies and global pandemics, the digital health industry is experiencing unprecedented growth and a dose of skepticism, especially in more traditional markets like LATAM. In this context, how do you get people on board with your SaaS product? That’s the challenge Goctors, an Ecuador-based health tech startup, faced. Since its foundation, Goctors had the mission of giving patients ownership of their complete health information and connecting all the actors in the health ecosystem through a united channel. Still, their message was unclear because of its complexity, and their value proposition wasn’t coming across. Therefore, they invited us to help build a brand strategy that clearly communicated who they are and what they do in a relevant way for their desired audience.


We started by appreciating the project’s potential, unveiling its differentiating factors, and clarifying its offer. 

This process led us to craft the brand’s leading Big Idea: “The Control Hub for Health and Wellbeing.” This powerful concept clarifies the benefit that Goctors provides: having the ultimate all-in-one digital health tool at your fingertips. 

Goctors’ mobile application and website allow people to manage their medical history, obtain scientific information analysis and connect directly with the services and health specialists that best suit them. 

With clarity in the offer and a big idea in hand, our team proceeded to create a new brand identity system and communications strategy.​​


The logo uses a simple type with a twist, successfully striking a balance between the formality and heart that the brand needs. The isotype is a distinctive G with a heart, a universal symbol for good health that reflects the brand’s empathy and constant quest to positively transform the human experience with healthcare services, putting people first.

The color palette uses a light pink, differentiating from competitors by drifting away from the typical cold blues and greens and bringing kindness and a welcoming spirit to the brand. We also developed a visual system of dynamic illustrations and icons based on an aeronautics control center, embracing the analogy of the big idea.


We shifted the brand messaging to directly address the real and practical consumer pain points like not having all their medical history at hand or constantly filling out paperwork. We also avoided projecting the brand as the hero, as the real heroes are the users. Simply put, we put the patient at the center of it all.

To further differentiate the brand, we embraced the product’s intricacy. While most competitors sell themselves as an “easy” solution, the Goctors system is inevitably complex, and that’s fine, as it is the most complete in its market. 

“Madre asked the right questions to calibrate our vision. The new brand generated the right reactions, and the results were precisely like the strategy proposed”.

Samír Zeidan

Founder & CEO / Goctors.com